
by SENlivedigitally


The goal of this project:

@ to show the impact of information age on the life of people with special needs
@ to explain the necessity to implement information and communication technologies in special needs education which present extra opportunities, thus helping to build a more inclusive education and society.

During the project activities and mobilities we used the possibilities of ICT to meet the various project objectives - teachers and students created multimedial objects - flashcards, pictures, communication boards, ebooks, animation, videos on different topics and to learn about each other and the world around by this way.
"The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."
The output is the metodology:
"Tell me and I will forget.
Show me and I will remember.
Involve me and I will understand."
"The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

DRAMA challenge students’ perception about their world and about themselves. Dramatic exploration can provide students with an outlet for emotions, thoughts, and dreams that they might not otherwise have means to express. A student can, if only for a few moments, become another, explore a new role, try out and experiment with various personal choices and solutions to very real problems-problems from their own life. At the centre of all roleplaying activities is communication, providing training in the very practical aspects of communication Students who have participated in Dramatic activities are less likely to experience difficulties speaking in public.

In terms of our Drama Club, we always thought of it as more of a social activity than of a performing arts project. Integrating children with disabilities, of any order, was always one of our aims. Even if the numbers of students was reached we always had this special spot for those children. It wasn’t mandatory. Children were, are asked if they want to take part in the project.
Kids experience real inclusion situations. They feel part of something meaningful with the same opportunities as their peers. These students are even more keen in making acting meaningful and well done. 

We always give those students parts of the play created especially for them in which we know and they know ( being this the most important aspect of it) they are able to do. They being capable of performing they are capable of understanding what is to be part of a group in which are respectful towards each other. 
Drama Project

This project intends, in a global and gradual way, to contribute to the development of following skills in students:







Knowing how to use techniques related to sound design, lighting and scenography, knowledge enriching the practice of dramatic language;

Know how to use the “word” for the development of diction and interpretation;

Know how to reflect individually and collectively;

Knowing how to work in a group;

Knowing how to criticize constructively as a way of the development of being;

To know how to analyze dramatic situations, and their effects, as a process for resolving problems;

Promote interdisciplinary work, through the project methodology;

Develop posture, flexibility and body mobility;



