A new book

by Madeline Kling

Pages 2 and 3 of 8

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The most
amazing discovery!
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 Questioned Madie, "Where is the planet you discovered located?"  
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"In a Galaxy far far away," said jett.  
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"Is your planet , an outer planet ?" , questioned madie . 
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"Yes",Jett said in a calm voice, "it is an outer planet." 
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"It has moons but they Disappeared!" exclaimed jett.  
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"some planets have moons or rings , does yours ?" said madie with a curious voice. 
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"how is your planet Similar to  its  Surrounding planets?" enquired madie.   
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"it is the same color as Jupiter," explained jett.   
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"What would it be like visiting this planet?" said madie with a curious voice. 
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 "it would be very fun!" said jett with a exclamatory voice. 
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"how did you decide on the name of your planet?" said madie with a thinking face.
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"it was easy, it just came to me," jett told me.
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The end