Planet Discovery

by Phillip Hall

Pages 2 and 3 of 7

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Planet Discovery
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"I'm supposed to meet this guy," said Phillip. "But where is he?"
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He thought to himself.
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"wait, is that him?" said Phillip.
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"hi, I'm Elijah," said Elijah
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"I have heard you have discovered a planet, and I would like to ask some questions" said Phillip.
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"Okay," said Elijah, "What are the questions"
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"Hi, I'm Phillip," said Phillip.
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"Where is the planet you discovered located?" said Phillip.
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"It's between Jupiter and Saturn, and it's an outer planet," said Elijah.
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"Some planets have moons and rings, does yours?" said Phillip.
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"Yes, it does, it has lots of moons and rings," said Phillip.
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"How is it similar to the surrounding planets," said Phillip
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"It's a Gas Giant and has a lot of moons," said Elijah.
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"What would it be like visiting this planet?" said Phillip.
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"Death instantly, there would be no oxygen, like Mars," said Elijah.
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"How did you decide on the name of our planet?" said Phillip.
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"We just did, are planet's name is Galactic," said Elijah.
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"Well, thanks for interviewing you," said Phillip.
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The end