A new book

by Travis LaGrow

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

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New Planet Found!!
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''Where is the,''asked Travis,''planet you discovered located?''
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''Some planets have moons or rings, does yours?'' spoke Travis.
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"Between Mercury and Venus," said Dr. Frank.
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''My planet has no moons or rings," answered Dr. Frank.
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Travis questioned, ''How is it similar to surrounding planets?''
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"It is," spoke Dr. Frank,"very hot.''
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"What would it be like visiting this planet?'' asked Travis.
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''You would burn entering the atmosphere,'' answered Dr. Frank.
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Travis asked, ''How did you decide on the name of your planet?''
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''It is named Spitfire because there is a lot of lava and volcanoes there,'' spoke Dr. Frank.
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