A new book

by Gina Leung

Pages 2 and 3 of 8

Scientist Ivana and a new world
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"So," famous interviewer Gina leung questioned, "where is the planet that you discovered located?"
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"Well Gina," Professor Ivana started, "my planet is located between Mercury and Venus."
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"Some planets have moons or rings, does yours?" Gina asked.
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"Yes, mine has 2 moons 0 rings and nothing in between," replyed Ivana.
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"Interesting," replied Gina, "now, how is your planet similar to surrounding planets?"
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"Mine is similar to surrounding planets because it is an Inner planet and as a rock surface," Ivana responded.
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"What would it be like visiting this planet?" Gina inquired.
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"It would be like stepping on a volcano and so bright your eyes will fall out!" Ivana replied.
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"So, how did you decide on the name of your planet?" Wondered Gina.
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Professor Ivana answered, "How I decided on a name for my planet was that I knew you could name planets after goddesses so I named mine after goddess of fire, Hestia."
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"No problem Gina." Said Ivana
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"Thank you Professor Ivana for your time." Announced Gina
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