An interview with Ava Moscovitz

by Talha Hasan

Pages 2 and 3 of 7

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Talha asked, "Where is the planet you
 discovered located?"
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"The planet is between and Earth Mars." said Ava.
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"Some planets have moons or rings. Does yours?"  Talha told Ava with confusion.
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"it has 2 moons but no rings. one moon has a colorful but shiny surface and has very large bubbles you can see in space." Ava told Talha.
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"How is it similar to the surrounding planets?" requested Talha.
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"The side that is closer to Earth has all the elements that we need to live on Earth. The side that is closer to Mars is red and is very hot and has fire and lava everywhere." spoken Ava.
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"What would it be like visiting this planet?" questioned Talha. 
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"well, it depends on which side your on," explained Ava. "If your on the side closer to Earth, you'd be able to live. On the other side, well, you would die."
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"how did you decide on the name of your planet?" interrogated Talha.
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"My team decided on a name without me called nowhere. I hated it." forenamed Ava.
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