We Are Patriots

by Delaney Steinmetz

Pages 6 and 7 of 11

In this book, I learned that life was hard as a child and as an adult too. The children always have work to do. They may need to milk the cow, feed the animals, help run an inn if their parents own one, or cut wood for the fireplace and many more. Adults need to take care of their children and their family. They might need to write letters to people, go to another village to buy supplies for their inn or tavern, or just make money. The women cook, wash clothes and help around the house. The father is the leader of the house. He needs to keep children from getting in trouble, make rules for the house and hunt for food.
Papa and Hope's brother, Dylan was in the Sons of Liberty. They were there for the Boston Tea Party, the Boston Massacre and the battle of Vally Forge. Dylan was standing close by at the Boston Massacre and he watched it all happen. Papa and Dylan watched the other two together. None of them got involved except in the Boston Tea Party, they helped with that.