Libro nuevo

by anna durante

Pages 2 and 3 of 9

Nature is my friend!
Green Education for Green Generation!
April 2022
I.C Francesco Riso - Isola delle Femmine Italy
E’ un posto amato ,
ma un po’ salato
 E’uno spettacolo da amare.
Le onde contro gli scogli
sono meglio dei sogni.
Mi affaccio alla finestra
vedo il mare
 e non mi esce dalla testa.
Gli spettacoli sono più di mille
gli abitanti sono le sue meraviglie.
La spazzatura dentro le sue mura
gli mette paura.
Io sono il mare
e non mi devi inquinare
ma rispettare e amare
It is a beloved place, but a little salad. It is a sight to be loved.
The waves against the rocks are better
than dreams.
 I look out of the window, see the sea,
 and it doesn't come out of my head.
 The shows are more than a thousand inhabitants are its wonders.
The garbage inside its walls frightens him.
I am the sea and you must not pollute me, you must love me , and respect.  

Matteo 2 A
Oh tree oh tree
your shadow is over me.
if one day i will be
i will keep you with me.
oh tree oh tree
you hug me
you rock me
you wrap me.
o tree o tree
stay with me.

Miriam 2 A
o albero o albero
se un giorno sarò qualcuno tu starai con me
O albero o albero
tu mi culli
tu mi abbracci
tu mi avvolgi
oh albero
rimani con me
I got drunk on a woman, how good the taste of love. How good the smell of the sea is, I go there at night to look for words.
how beautiful the smell of the wind is, inside I feel it inside I feel beautiful is the smell of the shade when the sun is shining, how beautiful is the sound of the wave when it thunders when it thunders.
yellow, green, blue
the colors of nature, the colors that light up our hearts every day
Franci 2 A