New fast trains

by Gulchin Jashar

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A Hyperloop is a proposed mode of passenger and/or freight transportation, first used to describe an open-source vactrain design released by a joint team from Tesla and SpaceX. Hyperloop is a sealed tube or system of tubes through which a pod may travel free of air resistance or friction conveying people or objects at high speed while being very efficient, thereby drastically reducing travel times over medium-range distances.
Think of how well-traveled and eco-responsible you would be if you could economically zip between cities at speeds exceeding 700 miles per hour in a comfortable, carbon-neutral way. Without going to the airport.
That’s the promise of hyperloop. The ground transportation technology envisions moving people (and, no doubt, cargo) between cities in pods or capsules traveling on magnetized tracks in vacuum tubes running above or below ground.

For decades, hyperloop has been the stuff of science fiction. But advances in technology, and mounting frustration with existing transit modes, means hyperloop has gone from fantasy to likely fruition.
Getting hyperloop on the fast track is a goal embraced by the likes of entrepreneur Elon Musk, transportation technology companies such as Virgin Hyperloop One and Hyperloop Transportation Technologies and many cities around the world.

How will hyperloop change travel?
Proponents envision hyperloop travel as being more affordable, much more convenient and far less stressful than many forms of existing travel.
For example, the autonomous systems could have different-sized cars or pods that operate on an on-demand basis, eliminating the need for a traveler to show up at a station at a prescribed time. And because hyperloop vehicles will travel in tubes, weather delays would be avoided.