The Ocean Rescue

by Brynn Hetfield


The Ocean Rescue
By Brynn Hetfield
One day there was a girl named Alexia. She was going on a trip to the Shed Aquarium in Chicago.

.It was the night before the big trip Alexia was packing; she did not know what to bring.So she packed a swimsuit some clothes and a toothbrush and toothpaste.”That should be good,” said Alexia.That night there was excitement in Alexia but there was also fear; she was scared for the hotel for two reasons. One reason was that she has never slept in a hotel. The second reason was that she is afraid of the dark.
It was strange, .her parents were tucking her into bed that night and all of a sudden she was scared.There is nothing more strange then that.
The next morning Alexia slowly got out of bed .Alexia shouted “CHICAGO!.”She grabbed her sSuitcase and ran to the door, got her shoes on and yelled “I’m ready! ” They got in the car and started driving to Chicago.The journey from New York to Chicago seemed to take forever. They finally arrived at the aquarium.They got a map from the front desk. then and went to a show that had loof animals.The show began.The first animal was a turtle. “I love turtles!”said Alexia.
Our first animal is...” said the employee with a fancy voice, “Aa turtle. Tthis turtle was found outside on the beach wrapped in plastic it was saved by our animal rescue team that helps animals that our outside or in the aquarium.” Alexia ran out with her parents following herThey ran outside and saw turtles everywhere.They were all wrapped in plastic.“We have to save them!”shouted Alexia. They tried to save them all but they did not get them all. Tthey ran them inside and the aquarium saved them. They have never seen so many turtles, .it was mind blowing! “I wish everyone could save animals like you,” said an employee.