Technology: The Hope for a Better Future

by Keagan Satterfield

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January 10, 2041
January 19, 2041
Well, I've started keeping a journal. On paper. I know that's crazy in a world where handwriting is dying, but here I am. My name is Kendall Wattson. I'm a businessman, musician, engineer, and innovator. I guess musician is a lot more of a hobby than an occupation like the other three, but I still like to tell people I'm a musician. It draws some interesting reactions. Anyways, back in 2032 I designed and created a digital social media platform called ConNext. ConNext's success let to the creation of a new tech company, Wattson Industries. We create various tech products, including YellowT5, the operating system used in the products of most large tech corporations. Our headquarters are in Cheyenne, Wyoming, near where I grew up. I live with my wife, Lynn, and my son, Hyrum. I'm not around home as much as I'd like to be, seeing as heading a company makes me a busy man, But my family is still what makes me happiest. And I want to keep a record for Hyrum and his kids and so on. That's why I'm doing it on paper: I'm keeping this journal as a sort of heirloom to be physically passed down in my family. So they can know what really goes on inside my head. I do wish I could've found lined paper, but I've got to make do with what I've got. Well, I Come to think about it, it's kind of funny that one of the world's leading names in technology would choose to keep a paper journal. But hey, everybody needs a break, right?
I've been thinking a lot about how different the world is now than from when I was a kid. Back then, it was a privilege to have a mobile phone. Now personal monitors are nearly a right. I used to play at a park or in a backyard with the kids in my neighborhood. Now kids just use online gaming rooms. The schools especially have changed. I remember the only C I ever got was in third grade penmanship. Now writing isn't even required. Its not "Reading and Writing", its "Reading and Typing". So notes, assignments, tests, and essays are all digital. And teachers are just there to make sure the kids don't cheat and to mediate with the parents. The only people that actually teach are the online video instructors. And now, everybody has technology. Even third-world countries have access to media, monitors, and service providers. Technology has changed the world a ton since I was a kid. And I contributed to that. My technology caused some of those changes. That's weird to think about.
February 2, 2041
You know what's crazy? There's still poverty in the world. We've been trying to get rid of it for centuries, but it's still around. I mean, we're closer than we've ever been to getting rid of it, but it's still here. Maybe we're just not trying hard enough. I mean, if we've got ways to drive across the atlantic ocean by tunnel and cross the entire united states in an hour by Skytram, you'd think we could've fixed poverty by now. But we haven't.
January 19, 2041
I've been thinking a lot about how different the world is now than from when I was a kid. Back then, it was a privilege to have a mobile phone. Now personal monitors are nearly a right. I used to play at a park or in a backyard with the kids in my neighborhood. Now kids just use online gaming rooms. The schools especially have changed. I remember the only C I ever got was in third grade penmanship. Now writing isn't even required. Its not "Reading and Writing", its "Reading and Typing". So notes, assignments, tests, and essays are all digital. And teachers are just there to make sure the kids don't cheat and to mediate with the parents. The only people that actually teach are the online video instructors. And now, everybody has technology. Even third-world countries have access to media, monitors, and service providers. Technology has changed the world a ton since I was a kid. And I contributed to that. My technology caused some of those changes. That's weird to think about.
February 2, 2041
You know what's crazy? There's still poverty in the world. We've been trying to get rid of it for centuries, but it's still around. I mean, we're closer than we've ever been to getting rid of it, but it's still here. Maybe we're just not trying hard enough. I mean, if we've got ways to drive across the atlantic ocean by tunnel and cross the entire united states in an hour by Skytram, you'd think we could've fixed poverty by now. But we haven't.
to me?