Strategies for a better future

by Aleksandra Umlenska


Tap under the cloud��
Strategies for a better future
Aleksandra Al.

About the author
Technologies for a better future
Pollution. The new fuel
Economics, production, infrastructure

External and internal management
War and peace. Terrorism
Poverty. Charity work

Society. Individualism

Actions are needed, not words!
Economics, production, infrastructure

External and internal management
Make your own game and learn something new. You may read the book first.
War and peace. Terrorism
Poverty. Charity work

Society. Individualism

Gender equality

Equality between different religions and ethnicities
Healthcare & education
Healthcare & education

Health�� and education�� are one of the most important steps to be taken first. Thanks to them, the basis for a better future will be built.

Equality between different religions and ethnicities
African countries are among the most backward in this regard. Very often there are deaths due to dirty water�� and starvation. Many insects�� carry diseases. As people in these areas put nutrition and health ahead of education, it is far behind.
There are over 19 major religions around the world, over 270 religious groups, and atheists who don’t profess any religion. 
Each religion has different traditions. Some may be more conservative than others. This leads to a slowdown in modernization in the communities that profess them. 
Religion has different restrictions and laws. In some religions, there are differences in the rights of the genders. 
In other more advanced countries, health and education depend on the money abilities because society is often divided into poor and rich. If education is free to university, more than the population will be able to work in the more developed sectors. Healthcare must be of equal monetary value for all ages.
Ethnicity is a group of people who have common views, nationality, history, language, culture and territory. They may also have a common race����‍♂️����‍�� and religion✝️☪️, but not necessarily. 
45th anniversary of my school. Festival
Once the situation of these two areas is balanced✅ in the more developed countries, the funds must be redirected to the poorer countries. 
Some religions have more followers than others, and some ethnicities are larger than others. This leads to the neglect of smaller such societies. 
If the groups are not viewed as a whole and the participants as individuals, equality of rights may be achieved. 
The world's biggest class for healthcare & ecology

Equality between different religions and ethnicities
There are over 19 major religions around the world, over 270 religious groups, and atheists who don’t profess any religion. 
Each religion has different traditions. Some may be more conservative than others. This leads to a slowdown in modernization in the communities that profess them. 
Religion has different restrictions and laws. In some religions, there are differences in the rights of the genders. 
Ethnicity is a group of people who have common views, nationality, history, language, culture and territory. They may also have a common race����‍♂️����‍�� and religion✝️☪️, but not necessarily. 
Some religions have more followers than others, and some ethnicities are larger than others. This leads to the neglect of smaller such societies. 
If the groups are not viewed as a whole and the participants as individuals, equality of rights may be achieved. 

Gender equality

Society. Individualism
Increasingly, the topic of the third gender��️‍�� and personal freedom and choice about who to be with and what to be is rising. While this theme is taking more important place globally, we stop noting that women are quite often overlooked in some sectors.
Once the health�� and education�� situation is balanced, a more stable community will begin. This way more people will be able to participate in solving important economic and social problems. Problems should be divided into groups and grouped by importance. This will make it much easier to solve. People need to work in a team that is led by an individualist. 
Most professions are divided into male ����‍�� and female����‍��, and in some communities, a woman is only considered to be a housewife, mother and wife of her husband.
Individualists must take an important position in leading the community. If you want to know more about their nature, scan the QR code.  
Women have many new ideas�� for those sectors that were not popular for this gender in the past. Technologies are constantly evolving, which increases women's ability to work "male" professions. 
Poverty. Charity work
Nowadays, women themselves set borders, although they have the potential to develop. They should be encouraged to study higher education and to participate equally in the government.
More advanced countries should set an example for the more conservative that women could be very important participants in public life. 
Education�� should be encouraged. The begging should be eliminated as it promotes unemployment. The beggars and the poor with special needs must be accommodated in special institutions��, but others must have a compulsory length of work experience, for which a special organization must be responsible. When people are employed, poverty will be eliminated. There will always be poorer and richer ones, but not thirsty or hungry. 
Charity should be important to everyone, and through charity activities such as marathons, sporting events����‍♂️ and concerts��, society will unite. Some of the taxes people and businesses have to pay should go to charity. 