The Power of Teamwork

by Matthew Pepe and Antonella Bianculli


The Power of TeamWork
By: Matthew Pepe and Antonella Bianculli
“We are going to be starting the project I talked about yesterday. Please sit with your partners I assigned. This project is going to take good teamwork. Remember teamwork makes the dream work.” Says Mrs. Smith. 
“ Here is your assignment, You need to buy one big poster board, a big bottle of coke and a pack of mentos.” She explains. “On the poster write a hypothesis, purpose, materials used, procedure, data, photos, and the results. This is a big project so I will allow you to keep planning with your partner in class today. I am going to hand out a planning sheet and put some examples on the board.” Says Ms. Smith.
Everyone gets to work right away. Everyone except Dylan and Grace. They sit far away from each other and they don't talk to each other. They both start filling out their own sheet. Their sheets are very different because they have different opinions and ideas. They don't understand that this is the biggest project they are going to do all year.