
by Nile Saada


Wicked Refuse Waste
By: Nile Saada
Table Of Contents
1: One Use Waste what is it
2: How Waste Effects our Ecosystem
3: Using Recycling and Compost Properly
4: The Benefit
5 : Conclusion
6 : About the author
One Use Waste What is it
One use waste is a type of waste that can not be recycled or composted.
An example of one use waste is plastic. Plastic can be recycled like
Numbers 1, 2 , 4 , and 5. Other Plastics like 3 , 6 , and 7 are mostly not recycled. Recycling isn't the only way that you can prevent one use waste Compost is a other way to turn wasted food scraps, biodegradable substances, or natural waste into soil for plants.One use waste goes into landfills and takes decades to biodegrade. Terrible right?
Not only does refuse waste junk up our Earth, it effects our ecosystem. Which means it will hurt animals and humans. It even kills them. Refuse waste can be awful and the only way to stop this would be creating every-day disposable products like straws, plastic bottles, etc recyclable or biodegradable . So next time you see some trash take a tissue or glove and I encourage you to dispose it properly. We dont want end up like WALL-E.
How Waste Effects our Ecosystem
Not only does refuse waste junk up our Earth, it effects our ecosystem. Which means it will hurt animals and humans. It even kills them. Refuse waste can be awful and the only way to stop this would be creating every-day disposable products like straws, plastic bottles, etc recyclable or biodegradable . So next time you see some trash take a tissue or glove and I encourage you to dispose it properly. We dont want end up like WALL-E.
Using Recycling and Compost Properly
Watch these videos to learn what happens during the process of Recycling and Composting!!