The Magic Mirror

by María Alicia Rangel García

Pages 2 and 3 of 12

·Meet Taylor Johnson·
Taylor Johnson is a 12 year-old with blond hair. She is not a tall girl nor a short girl. She lives in a city called Cali City. This city has a lot of pollution and a very bad weather. Her city is really polluted. Taylor is very lonely because she doesn't have friends, cousins, nor siblings. Her parents are always working, but the only person she can be with is her grandmother, Nona.
A few days ago she found out that Nona went missing. Nobody could find her, and Taylor was very sad. One day, Taylor went to her grandmother’s attic to remember Nona. The attic was dusty and creepy, and it was dark, but when she turned on the lights, it was beautiful! It had a colorful teepee tent, and string lights. It had colorful pillows and there was Nona's ukulele. It reminded Taylor the times they sang songs, and played with her dolls when she was little, baked cookies and had sleepovers. Taylor missed this place. She spent a little time there, but then she saw something shiny.
·Nona’s Mirror·
Taylor walked to see what the shiny thing that she saw was. It was covered with a maroon blanket. Taylor uncovered the shiny thing. It was a big mirror! A big, old mirror, and it had a note on it that said:
Whoever finds this mirror please give it to my precious grand for her to keep my most precious possession.    -Mrs. Johnson AKA Nona.
Taylor couldn't believe it. Her grandmother had left her with her most precious possession. Then she saw another note attached to it: 
Dear Taylor:
I leave this mirror to you so that you can admire true beauty.
You know that I love you with all my heart. 
Now say this out loud, "Creativity leads to open mindedness, and open mindedness leads to a better world."

With love,
"Creativity leads to open mindedness, and open mindedness to a better world," said Taylor.
And then the mirror started to glow. Taylor touched the mirror, and she got absorbed by it.