Grace v.s Air Pollution

by Delilah Arndt Suamico Elementary 4th Grade


Air Pollution
Written and Illustrated by: Delilah Arndt Suamico Elementary 4th Grade
Grace exclaimed, “Chicago is astonishing! Can we stay longer?”
“No, we have to go home!” Grace's mom insisted. “Sit back in your seat, enjoy the scenery while we get out of this dreadful traffic!”
“Is the traffic why we only come to Chicago every couple of years?”Grace questioned.
“We only come every few years because it’s costly, plus you’re always seeing the same thing every time,” Grace's mom replied.
As they travelled north, the sun was blocked by a dingy grey that hovered over, making it look depressing. Grace asked “Why is the sky gray when it’s 80 degrees out and sunny?” “The air is polluted from the factories,” Her mom said sadly. “What factories?” Grace was confused. “Over there.” Grace's mom pointed to five factories. “Can I use your tablet and notebook to research air pollution?” Asked Grace politely. “Sure!” Her mom exclaimed.
Grace learned a lot online. She had five pages of notes. One of the facts she found was air pollution can be harmful to the environment. The most important thing Grace learned was that the factories could someday kill the Earth and all living things. As soon as Grace got home, she wanted to teach people about air pollution. Grace was positive that people would listen and follow her advice. “Grace wake up, we’re almost home!”Her mom blurted. Grace looked out the window, she saw they were in their town. Grace noticed something she never noticed before, there were a lot of factories where they lived. Soon the air in her town would look like Chicago’s air. Grace really wanted to do something.
The next day as she walked to school, Grace saw more factories. She wanted to make a project on air pollution.
During the weekend Grace got out her notes from Chicago. Grace decided to make posters and flyers. Her mom said she couldn’t protest by the factories because she didn’t believe in protesting.


Air Pollution is Wrong!
Air Pollution Effects
Did you know that air pollution can destroy the Earth in the future? Polluting the Earth can cause you to get diseases of the heart and lungs, cancers and other health problems.
NASA is doing a lot to prevent air pollution. Satellites orbit the Earth to help monitor pollution. NASA and scientists share information and will eventually be able to compare the records.
What You Can Do
Air pollution doesn’t just come from factories, it also comes from cars.
Electric cars are the best to drive.
Choose a cleaner commute — carpool, use public transportation, bike or walk.
Combine errands to reduce "cold starts" of your car and avoid extended idling.
Have properly inflated tires.
Keep car, boat, and other engines tuned. Avoid smoky engines.
Follow gasoline refueling instructions for efficient vapor recovery. Don’t spill fuel and always tighten your gas cap.
Plant trees and plants