Robots are taking over the world

by Nigamanth Srivatsan 5B


Are robots taking over the world ?
The topic of this book is “ What will humans do and what will happen when robots take over the world?” This book also has a lot of exciting and accurate information which is fun to read. This book is mainly for kids since after all kids will be the ones who may see this happening in the future!
In the world of films, there are examples of famous robots that have AI (artificial intelligence) and are well known Such as Vision from ‘The avengers’ and R2D2 from ‘Star wars’.
Functioning of robots
Robots actually perform things in a dumb way but they can do them very fast. For instance, a computer has millions of switches that it can change every microsecond. Let us say that you asked it to multiply 50 by 67, then it will add 50 sixty seven times. Now that sounds dumb, because it can’t understand the operation ‘multiplication’ easily. But it can do addition and subtraction in nanoseconds!

Robots are similar to computers. They use functions such as AND gates, OR gates, XOR gates and XAND gates. So they do awesome, cool things in the dumbest ways possible.

Also in this Book Creator App, ‘Read to me’ is a feature where there is a human voice - that is AI.

To get a better understanding go to this video
A program called ‘Deep Blue’ beat the world champion GarRy Kasparov in chess! 

 Well, not because it had more knowledge but because it analysed every single move of every piece of its opponent and itself to get to the best combination!

 happen. After that it chooses the best move 
What are the differences between robots and humans ?
Robots can do many things that humans can’t do, but that fact doesn’t make them better than humans. Robots can climb mountains, maybe even fly and shoot and have millions of switches in them.

Yet humans can do something that no robot that has ever been made can!

Humans can empathise and express their feelings. Robots can be made to express feelings with a smile on their faces, people can program the robots to do that. But they can’t feel bad for people and they can’t put themselves in others’ shoes. Therefore, you can never say that robots are better than humans.
Well, robots never get tired! they do a lot of great work very fast. they never get bored of doing anything billions of times. In this sense, They are way better than humans
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Fun Fact : Robots use truth tables to calculate all the possibilities of a thing even if there are a billion. A truth table is used to mark combinations for variables.
Will robots take over the world ?
This may or may not happen. However, for this book, let us consider that robots and AI will take over the world. What do you think will happen then?

Nowadays we use robots and machines to do our work. AI is taking over the world. Everyone is getting lazier and is becoming less independent than they used to be.
Robots are doing the work and who knows one day if robots can program themselves and be like us humans and be able to do what they want? Like ‘Skynet’ in The Terminator Series, they might even think of destroying humans and ruling the world!
How are robots taking over the world ?
Holy Guacamole! My boss fired me from a ice cream factory. I visited the place 5 months later and found that a robot is doing my and my 100 colleagues work. What will my family eat? I will be very poor soon.
anyone can lose their jobs like this, because of new technology which does a better job.... 
Thought Bubble
Do You know Robert Downey Jr. (the actor)? he explains about the world and robots and especially AI in this video: 
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