Take Care of the World (RUNNER UP, Age 12-18)

by Hayat Tekoğlu

Pages 6 and 7 of 12

Human being continued to ignore the real cause of this disaster while you became the dream of setting up life on other planets. In those years, it was discussed that the planet Mars would be bombarded with thermonuclear bombs to create an atmosphere.
In 2019, began the Mini Ice Age as predicted. The vast majority of scientists believed that global warming would slow down and even ice age will stop it. None of them could come did not believe global warming is dominant. For the first five years, everything proceeded exactly as expected. Extreme cold weather in certain regions has reduced the temperature of the Earth. To natural disasters was reduced. Natural disasters were reduced. Nature was returning to normal. People believed all the problems were over. Until that horrible day...
The whole world was shaken by an earthquake of unprecedented magnitude. The buildings, the roads, ground we were on… The earthquake lasted 15 minutes. Giant waves occurred in about 10 meters in coastal sides. The disintegrating glaciers raised the water level in areas near the poles. Some dormant volcanoes are reactivating.

Thousands of people died by staying under the rubble. Everywhere was filled with the wounded. People tried to find their relatives. . To the rescue of the wounded were made to work for the day. For days, without stopping for even a moment…Since there was no solid hospital, medical interventions were carried out in open spaces and in tents. The lucky ones managed to find an open area in the first minute of the earthquake. What about those who aren't lucky? Some of them under a wreck some of them in the cold waters of the ocean. It will take months or even years to heal the wounds of the earthquake… For us non long, this fifteen minutes was sufficient for the start of the global crisis in all the world.

Came the year of 2030. Formerly with the air of a mother, nature that embraces us no longer had become a monster. With the news of a new disaster every day we were waking up. Natural catastrophes could not be avoided. Everyone was looking for a safe place to escape. However, there wasn't a safe place, actually. Drought where there was no flood, flooding where there was no earthquake, fire disaster where there were no hurricanes.