Backpacks in Schools

by Sophia DiNero

Pages 4 and 5 of 21

What Is It?
The problem is that backpacks are too heavy for students to carry from class to class. I struggle with this every day. This reason is that we have no place to keep our stuff for each class and I just have to shove it into my backpack and bring my stuff for math into my science class. Luckily I don't have to bring my HEAVY backpack to lunch and recess but the other 5th grade class in my school has to bring their backpacks to lunch, recess, and special.
Why Is It A Problem?
This is a problem because students backs can be psychically damaged. This relates to me, I don't know if my back is psychically damaged, but I know that my back starts to hurt pretty often whenever I'm bending down, my back will start to cramp. This is bad because it we are just kids, imagine when we get older how bad our backs will be!