The Water Project

by Piper Evans

Pages 4 and 5 of 21

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Global Health), tuberculosis is the sixth highest cause of death in Sierra Leone. Diseases like tuberculosis have historically been an issue, and will continue to impede the countries success unless dramatic changes are made country wide. Excellent hygiene is one of the first steps to fighting off disease, but without clean water and the means to obtain superb hygiene, Sierra Leone is stuck. 
How can we help citizens of Sierra Leone achieve healthy living standards? Through bringing clean water to this country, we are able to raise living standards in Sierra Leone, lower disease rates, and achieve a far more functional and hygienic community.
As there is an opportunity to continue the work of Terry and Ed Evans, here are a few ideas of how we can make the world better for people less fortunate. Sierra Leone currently struggles with maintaining adequate supplies such as wood to continue the construction of wells, therefore a drive for timber to be sent to their communities would be extremely helpful. Another idea is to put together hygiene and disease pamphlets to help spread the awareness of germs and the importance of cleanliness for the people of Sierra Leone. This may be sent along with water purifiers. These are just a few ideas of how we, as Americans, can help make the world a better place for everyone.
What Can We Do?
As there is an opportunity to continue the work of Terry and Ed Evans, here are a few ideas of how we can make the world better for people less fortunate. Sierra Leone currently struggles with maintaining adequate supplies such as wood to continue the construction of wells, therefore a drive for timber to be sent to their communities would be extremely helpful. Another idea is to put together hygiene and disease pamphlets to help spread the awareness of germs and the importance of cleanliness for the people of Sierra Leone. This may be sent along with water purifiers. These are just a few ideas of how we, as Americans, can help make the world a better place for everyone.