Beautiful Belle

by Shauna

Pages 2 and 3 of 8

Deep in the Atlantic Ocean, lived Belle, a big and beautiful shark. One Tuesday Belle went for her morning swim. She spotted some other sea creatures having fun in the coral. Excitedly she swam over to join them but things didn’t go as planned. The sea creatures screamed and swam away as fast as they could. ‘Oh!’ cried Belle ‘why is everyone so afraid of little old me?’
Belle lay down in the sand at the bottom of the sea and began to cry. Her crying caused big waves in the ocean and could be heard very far away.
Hello Belle
Speech Bubble
Suddenly a beautiful mermaid appeared. 'Hello Belle' she said in a sweet soft voice. Belle got a fright. No other sea creature other than sharks had spoken to her before.
'Don't be scared Belle. My name is Sarah and I am here to grant you one wish'.
'I wish the other sea creatures were not afraid of me and that we could be friends' Belle cried. With that Sarah shone her moon ring on Belle. Music started to play and all the sea creatures came out to play no longer afraid of Belle.