Schools Of Sanctuary

by Bunscoil Loreto Middle Leaders

Pages 4 and 5 of 68

Welcome to our School!
Here is our school crest. Before we applied to become a School of Sanctuary, some of our pupils approached Ms. Kennedy, our principal, with a business idea to fundraise for our new astro-turf pitch. This playground has brought new life to our school as the children now have a safe space to play. Sporting activities take place here and language poses no barrier.
Some of our students suggested producing half-zips for Bunscoil Loreto. Ms. Kennedy was so impressed by their proposal that she agreed to this idea. They asked the children to design a school crest for the half-zips. The entries were fantastic and they opted to merge three crests together to form the final crest.

The outer layer of the crest is the Loreto Ethos, the inside layer is the world surrounded by children holding hands and the final layer is the harp made up of two hurls and eight strings.

This crest holds such an important message for our school community, particularly our students. When we embarked on our journey towards becoming a School of Sanctuary, our principal surprised us by installing a new welcome mat at the front entrance to the school using this crest, as seen on the opposite page.
Our School's Welcome Mat in the Foyer
The symbolism behind the design:
Primary School Years
The eight strings on the harp represent the eight years the children will spent in an inclusive environment.
The Loreto Ethos
Foundress Mary Ward and Teresa Ball responded to the needs of their time by establishing schools and using the work of education to spread the message of the Gospel. We continue to recognise the needs of our time
through the Schools of Sanctuary Initiative.
The children from all around the world that stand united holding hands represent our school community.
Holistic Development
Hurls represent the children's love of sport. They are placed together to form a harp to represent the children's love of music. Music and sport are universal languages, and make no distinction between ethnicity or race. All are welcome in Bunscoil Loreto.