The Music of Star Wars

by Miss Baerg


The Music
of Star Wars
John Williams
John Williams was born in 1932 and is one of the most well-known movie music composers. He wrote the music for the movies ET, Jaws, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, Superman, Jurassic Park, and of course, the Star Wars movies.
Recording the Music
The Director of the Star Wars movies, George Lucas, worked together with John Williams to make sure that the music flowed well with each scene in the movie.
Recording the Music
Watch this 3-minute clip to see how the Director and Composer worked together. Notice the film playing up above the singers. This helped Williams make sure the tempo of the music matched the action happening in the film.
Musical Themes
Many characters in the film have a musical theme that plays when they are on screen.
Watch the following videos and listen carefully to the music. Can you hear the melodies that repeat themselves? Can you tell the difference between one theme and another?
The Force Theme
(also Obi Wan's Theme)