A new book

by Isla

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

On the next page you will see my letter poem to bees. Mrs.Juran had us write a letter poem to anything we want, I chose bees. You may be thinking,"Why bees?" The answer is that bees are my favorite animal, and they pollinate fruits, vegetables, and flowers.

Nobody appreciates you,
Whenever they see your brown and yellow stripes, 
They cower,
Scared, that whenever you get close, you will hurt them
Just because you have a tiny stinger
They think you will sting them, whenever you get the chance
But I know that you wouldn't hurt them,
If you didn’t have to

Dear Bees,

Thank you for the beautiful flowers, the fruits, and the vegetables,
When you pollinate,
 you are saving us,
Without you we couldn’t survive


Because you are frightened of them,
Always swatting you around,
You eventually get fed up and angry,
Sting them, and you die
You were just trying to do your job,
 and pollinate the flowers,
You were just trying, 
to help us,
Thank You

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