A new book

by Ms. Gloria


A Story of Friendship
by Ms. Gloria
Inspired by A Story of Friendship in Filipino Sign Language: Dancing Hands written by Joanna Que & Charina Marquez, illustrated by Fran Alvarez, and translated by Karen Llagas
The Setting
In the beginning in the story, there was little girl in a car. She live in a town were the story takes place. She look out the window and saw houses. I think she in live in a neighborhood. Then she go to the parks. They play a around in the field. They also go in the pond and use sign language and the tree. The main setting is the park.
The Setting
The Characters
The main character are mai and sam. They Are two girls are friend. Mai the oldest. They are children. Mai use sign language and she is deaf. She want be a teacher when she grows up. Sam can talk and hear. She want to learn sign languages from mai. She want help the environment when she grows up. 

The Characters
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The Problem