LC Test

by Devery Ward


The Literacy-Cast Disability Test
A test to evaluate the representation of the disability experience in children’s books.
The Literacy-Cast Disability Test
A test to evaluate the representation of the disability experience in children’s books.
Do author and illustrator identify with the disability community?
Are the author and illustrator long time researchers of disabilities? Which ones?
Is the disability representation accurate and does it avoid stereotypes?
Are the illustrations inclusive of the disability and community?
The charcter's disability is not "overcome" or "cured"
Is the character, portraying someone with a disability, a main character or supporting character?
Equal representation in main characters being protagonist
how does the book make us feel about the main character/person with the disability or about their particulary disability

A wide range of disabilities are represented.
We should make sure that it is a first person account/experience
Are different views and aspects of disabilities addressed?
How does disability show up in your life?
People were born with autism
The person(s) with the disability doesn't get cured or die in the book.
Are people with disabilities represented with people who do not identify as someone with a disability?
Equal representation in main characters being protagonist
A wide range of disabilities are represented.
We should make sure that it is a first person account/experience
Are different views and aspects of disabilities addressed?
How does disability show up in your life?
The person(s) with the disability doesn't get cured or die in the book.
People were born with autism
Are people with disabilities represented with people who do not identify as someone with a disability?
How does the book make us feel about the main character/person with the disability or about their particular disability? (good, bad, sad, empowered, sympathy, etc.)
Does is show how the characters are enabled and not disabled?