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Famous Black people for the mouth of Black history
He was famous for I have dream speech.  led a nonviolent campaign for racial justice during the civil rights movement.
He leading the movement to end segregation and counter prejudice against Black Americans in the 1950s and 1960s.
He went to collage at age 15 year old. His birth name is Michael, not Martin .
She refused to vacate a seat on a bus in favor of a white passenger in Montgomery, Alabama. she famous acts civil rights movement.
Rosa's groundbreaking act proves how change can be made through the protest and civil action of everyday people.
Harriet Tubman
Her nickname was Mose and she also escape slavery 1849.
Harriet lead much of slave into freedom. First women to lead assault arm to civil war and also she lead was the first women to lead military armed .
Nat Turner
  He led the only effective and sustained slave revolt in U.S. history, during which some 60 white persons were slain.
James Lafayette
he successfully infiltrated Lt.Gen.Charles, Lord Cornwallis's Virginia headquarters posing as a runaway slave who was willing to spy on American troops. After the war he got his freedom .