
Unbound and Its Impact on Us
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We chose Unbound for our book. We want to focus on how Judith was treated, her reconnecting with her sister, and how she overcame the past.
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Judith Scott was a little girl with Down Syndrome
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Her parents did not know how to help her and thought that sending her to an institution was the best way to support her. Her twin sister missed her and did not realize why they had to be separated.
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At the institution, they assumed that Judith was simply nonverbal, but it was later discovered that she had lost her hearing when she was young. Because of this, she was never given an education.
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Judith lived in the institution for many years without anything but her magazines for comfort.
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Her sister never quit thinking about her, and eventually...
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The sisters were reunited!
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Once Judith began living with her sister, she started attending an art workshop for individuals with disabilities called Creative Growth
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It was here that she developed her unique style of art using textiles and other spare materials
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Above all else, Judith proved to the world that you can not let your disabilities and past limit you from living out your future.