Un nouveau livre

by ronan


The Homeless of London
By Ronan Planck
Once upon a time, there was a homeless man named Jean-Patrick. One morning, He found a strange newspaper with an article on Fox Industries on the cover, and next to it was a billfold.
He decided to open it, to look at who it belonged to. He found a passport in the name of Mr. FOX. Jean Patrick was a good man, so he decided to return the wallet to it's owner.
But he didn't know the address. So, he asked his friend Kevin, the policeman at Scotland Yard, for help to find his address.
He discovered that Mr. FOX lived in a neighborhood in London's very wealthy Notting Hill neighbourhood. When he arrived in front of Mr. FOX's building, Jean-Patrick was afraid, he was ashamed of his appearance, and was afraid that Mr. FOX would accuse him of having stolen the billfold.

to steal= voler, stole, stolen; afraid= peur; ashamed= honte; wealthy= riche
He gathered his courage, and rang the doorbell. A tall man, looking chic, opened the door, and was surprised to see Jean-Patrick. He asked him what he wanted! Jean-Patrick explained to him that he had found his wallet in the City. 
Fox thanked him and gave him £100 in thanks. He asked him where he was from. Jean-Patrick explained to him that he was a former bus driver, that his wife died in a tragic car accident, and that he sank with sadness and lost everything. 