Un nouveau livre

by janis


The Day Of M'y Dreams
Once upon a time, a young girl named Ashley asked her mother to invite her best friends to make her dream day.
So that mother said" yes, I am going with you" "okay" said Ashley. When the day arrived, her mother prepared an extraordinary breakfast, with avocado toast, toast with spreadables, yogurt and two hot chocolates.
She got ready, and Ashley's best friend named Lea arrived. Then, the girls left, they first went shopping in luxury boutiques like Chanel, Luis Vuitton... .
Then, they started to get hungry so they stopped to eat in a 3-star restaurant called Paul Bocuse.
And then, they went to the beauty salon to get a massage. Then, the girls went to a hotel called Woldorf Astoria which had 5 stars and was located in Versailles.