The Outsiders

by Addison R.


By: Lanie, Alexis, Addison, Abbi, Anna and Maggie
He has two brothers, Darry and Sodapop. His parents died in a car accident.
Ponyboy is 14 years old and he is very smart. He goes through this long journey with johnny and that really changes him.
Relationships: Sodapop is a middle child (Ponyboy and Darry's brother). His best friend is Steve, but he is close buddies with all of the members in his gang. He works at a gas station with Steve, where Steve repairs cars.
Personality: Sodapop is described in the story as being flippant, humorous, and comical. He is not always making directed jokes, like Two-Bit, but he usually does not take severe situations as seriously as some of the other members in his close friend group (gang).

Description: In the book, he is described as being "movie star handsome" and "always grinning". In the book he has golden brown hair, like Ponyboy, and dark brown eyes.
Relationships: Sodapop is a middle child (Ponyboy and Darry's brother). His best friend is Steve, but he is close buddies with all of the members in his gang. He works at a gas station with Steve, where Steve repairs cars.
Personality: Sodapop is described in the story as being flippant, humorous, and comical. He is not always making directed jokes, like Two-Bit, but he usually does not take severe situations as seriously as some of the other members in his close friend group (gang).

Description: In the book, he is described as being "movie star handsome" and "always grinning". In the book he has golden brown hair, like Ponyboy, and dark brown eyes.
Johny is 16. He has a strong relationship with Ponyboy. His Dad abused him and his mother pays no attention to him. He murdered Bob in the beginning of the story.
Dally is the criminal of the bunch. He has committed many crimes and has been to jail more than once. He helps Johnny and Ponyboy when Johnny kills Bob.
He ran away with Ponyboy after he murdered Bob. While they were gone, the place where they stayed had caught on fire. There were children inside the church and he risked his life to save them. Later he died in the hospital.
Dally is the criminal of the bunch. He has committed many crimes and has been to jail more than once. He helps Johnny and Ponyboy when Johnny kills Bob.
In the end, Dally dies after Johnny was pronounced dead. He was shot in the courtyard.
Two- bit
Two-bit is the oldest of the group. He is happy to be a greaser. He always cracks a joke. He has a special switchblade that he got. He only uses his blade to show it off to impress people. He always acts drunk at least Ponyboy thinks that. When Two-Bit visits Dally in the hospital he gave his switchblade to him. Dally used it to scare off the nurse so he could help fight in the rumble.