Eleanor Roosevelt

by Elefteria


Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt was born in New York City on October 11, 1884. Although she grew up in a fairly wealthy family, she had a tough childhood. Her mother died when she was eight and her father when she was only ten.
When Eleanor turned fifteen her grandmother sent her to boarding school near London, England. By the time she graduated, Eleanor had gained confidence in herself. She had learned a lot about herself and life. She returned home a new person.

Upon her return to the United States, Eleanor began to date her distant cousin Franklin Roosevelt. Franklin fell in love with Eleanor. They were married on March 17, 1905.
They had six children including Anna, James, Franklin (who died young), Elliott, Franklin Jr., and John. Eleanor kept busy running the household and taking care of the children.
Franklin had become a famous politician. His goal was to become president. However, Franklin became very sick one summer with a disease called polio. He nearly died. Although Franklin lived, he would never walk again.
Eleanor was determined to help him in any way she could. She became involved in a number of organizations. She wanted to help poor people, black people, children, and women have better lives.

Franklin D Roosevelt was inaugurated as President of the United States on March 4, 1933. Eleanor Roosevelt was now the First Lady.
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Eleanor decided she could do more than this.
For seven years she represented the United States at the United Nations (UN) which was created in large part by her husband.
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Following her husband's death in 1945, Roosevelt remained active in politics for the remaining 17 years of her life.
At the start of Franklin's presidency, America was in the middle of the Great Depression. People around the country were struggling to find jobs and even to have enough to eat.
While a member, she helped to write the Universal Declaration of Human Right which described that people throughout the world should be treated fairly and had certain rights that no government should be able to take away.