A Ronin's Decision

by Smith Zachary


Francis' Drawing
A Ronin's Decision by: Francis Calaunan (purple) , Kyle Mach (green), Zachary Smith (blue), and (Red) Angel Torres (Group 8)
In 1453 CE Feudal Japan, there was once a man named Yuito who followed in his fathers footsteps as a samurai...
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suddenly while in the samurai military his daimyo ryuzo passed away in a war. this purposes the question of what will our new ronin named Yuito do...
then Yuito was left in a dilemma and decided that the only choice he had left was to go to his father for his advice as a veteran of the military.
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Zachary's Drawing
After arriving Yuito explains that he is in a bad situation to the point where his dad is his last resort. After hearing this his dad decides to take action.
Yuito's father "Akira", decided to give him advice. His advice, was to accept death and commit seppuku to honor his great former daimyo.
Yuito then arrives at his fathers home...
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as yuito slowly starts to realize he should commit seppuku to make his father proud he tells his father what he thinks...
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"Father I agree with you i think i should go through with it." he says "thank you son Just know I always will love you and i will never forget you." he says proudly yet sadly. "Thank you I suppose i should go now that we have all this sorted out." I suppose you should." akira says and then yuito goes off to see his kaishakunin...
Francis' Drawing
Yuito thinks about his fathers advice for a bit.....
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and decides it is not a good decision for him to commit seppuku.....
so yuito tries to argue with his father about why he disagrees and tries to get him on his side.
as yuito gets angrier and angrier at his father for being so stubborn he suddenly snaps at him....
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"argh why cant you understand this i dont want to die father!" he screams at him in his anger.
realizing his mistake at yelling at his father yuito abruptly stops and tries to apologize but to no avail... his father gives him the same treatment he received.