Raphael Bernard's Final Art Piece

by Lam Dylan

Pages 2 and 3 of 16

Lutetia France, 1484 AD

It's a lovely sunny day in Lutetia, France, most commonly known as Paris. There was a middle-aged painter. Raphael's dream is to become a famous painter, but he has no self-confidence.
Uhm sir, would you like to buy a painting
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"I can't pay rent and can't feed myself. Maybe I should switch jobs." said Raphael.
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"Why do people not want to buy my paintings? I make way better painting's than everyone else." said Raphael.
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"Who are you?" asked Raphael with sudden fear. "I am Leo Dubois. I am a messenger sent from king Leonard". Which he politely handed Raphael the letter. Raphael was then calmed down but still suspicious about the guy who just gave him the letter. 
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Dear Raphael Bernard,
I have been taking an interest in one of your paintings. I would like to buy one of your paintings for my palace. I would love for you to become my painters and sell to me and only me. I will pay you more than you could ever wish. Please come to the castle located in the center of town to accept the job.
To Your Regards,
King Leonard"