Why Should We Keep On Trying?

by Barbara Bachus


Why Should We Keep On Trying?
A Story About Perseverance
Mrs. Bachus
Hi there!
Why should we keep on trying is the question I am hoping you can answer when we finish this book. Today, we are going to be learning about the word perseverance. Don't let that 12 letter word scare you one little bit. Just because it is a long word doesn't mean you can't understand it. I will break it down for you and when I am done, I think you will find out that you knew what it meant already. And, you will discover that many of you are showing examples of perseverance every day.
Let's study this 12 letter word together...
Perseverance means to do something even though it is difficult. It means that the hard work that you are doing now might not get you success right away but you will achieve it.
I think of people who have to work really hard to do well in school. What is it that they have or they believe in that makes them work harder and not give up? What is it that makes someone who has a bad injury keep doing their exercises so they can get stronger? What is it that makes a parent work harder to make their lives better for their families?
Let me introduce you to our two main characters.
Isaiah is an 8 year old boy who is in 3rd grade. He lives with his mother and his little sister, Maria. Isaiah loves to play soccer, has a wonderful imagination and likes to read books about superheroes.
Joseph is 8 and lives with this grandparents. He has two older brothers but he doesn't get to see them very often. He likes science lessons, PE class and has a wicked crush on Kyleigh Keats. He has to ride the bus home from school and goes right in and does his homework.
Both boys were in Mrs. Tigmeyer's PreK class and have been buddies ever since they met.
So, this is how my day started at Doyerbest Elementary School...
The note that ruined my day..
Dear Isaiah's Mom,
I am writing to tell you that Isaiah has been having trouble getting his work done in class. He will sit at his desk with his head down and tell me that he can't figure it out. I know that he can do his schoolwork but he has to keep trying!! If he makes a mistake, he gives up too soon. We all make mistakes and have to keep trying!
Would you be able to sit down with us and remind him that sometimes we face difficult things but we must show perseverance?
Thank you!
Mrs. Stickwithit
3rd grade teacher
Thought Bubble
Oh man!
I can just tell that when I get home it's going to be a lousy gray day. My mother is going to read this note from Mrs. Stickwithit and she is going to be so disappointed. I am already having a hard time doing my math problems, my spelling words, my independent reading work and my science centers! What am I supposed to do when I CAN'T do it all?? Sit at my desk and try, all day, all night, all week, all month until I get it? Forget eating, recess, playing with my family and friends?
There has to be a better way...