Jump In And Take A Look Around

by Barbara Bachus


Ocean Life
Jump In And Take A Look Around....
Mrs. Bachus
Comic Panel 1
Welcome to the amazing world in the ocean! I am glad that you are brave enough to dip your toes in the water.
Just kidding!! The ocean is just like any other area in nature. We need to have a healthy respect for it and knowledge of our surroundings. People who explore the oceans are called oceanographers. They work with different types of scientists to study ocean life.
Comic Panel 2
SCUBA diver
Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
Scientists from around the world study ocean life and how we can preserve it.
Science rocks!!
Let's take a look at the wonderful world of whales.
A whale is a large mammal just like humans. They are warm blooded creatures, they have hair but usually lose it soon after birth and must breathe air to survive. When a whale breathes, they do it through a blowhole on to top of their heads. Some whales have one blowhole and others have two blowholes. Whales can stay under the water for a long time but must return to the surface to breathe, just like humans.
A mother whale will carry her baby for 9-18 months before she gives birth. A baby whale is called a pup. The pup must learn to swim as soon as it is born and follow its mother to the surface to breathe.
Toothed Whales
narwhal whale
Toothed whales have only one blowhole and go to the surface of the water to breathe. Unlike humans, whales are not capable of breathing through their mouths. Humans breathe through their noses but can breathe through their mouths, if necessary. Think about when you have a really stuffy nose...
Toothed whales like to eat octopus, seals, fish, penguins, dolphins and other whales.
Beluga whales, narwhal whales, killer whales and sperm whales are some examples. Dolphins and porpoises are also members of the toothed whale family.
beluga whale
sperm whale
killer whale
Baleen whales
Baleen whales are the second major type of whale. They have two blowholes. They get their name from the baleen plates that are in their mouths. Baleen is similar to the substance that our finger nails are made from, but thicker. The baleen helps to trap the small sea creatures that the whales eat. The end of the baleen looks like feathers and acts like a trap to catch shrimp, krill, small fish and very small creatures called zooplankton. They take in gulps of water and their baleen filters out larger animals. An occasional bird slips in there, too!
Blue whale
Humpback whale
Gray whale