A new book

by Elin þóra Ólafsdóttir


Optional assignment 1 – Write a poem
Holiday 2020

Everything look´s so grey,
But they say there´s coming a holiday.
No snow here and so little pay,
It was bound to be different anyway.

2020 will soon go by in time,
and 2021 is going to be mine.
I decided to write a poem about how I´m feeling right now. I was listening to the radio and they were playing a Christmas song „Jólin eru að koma“ and right after that, the radioman was talking to someone about how different this Christmas will be. I´m 40 years old, I have 3 boy´s and have been in school now to get my degree in Food technology so I haven´t worked as much as I would usually do and my husband is a taxi driver and there hasn´t been much to do for him this year, so money is a bit tight. I live in Vestmannaeyjar and we have not seen any snow this year, just rain and the Christmas lights just light up the grey colour of the concrete. I´m glad to know that this year will soon be over and I will get my diploma and be able to work a fulltime job next year and hopefully be able to do more fun things with my boys and enjoy life. I was practising to write a poem in English, I hadn´t done that before and also trying to make it rime.
Optional Assignment 2 - Listen to a song and translate words that are important to you
The name of the song I chose is Fix you with the band Coldplay and this song is about a broken heart that the singer wishes he could fix.


When you try your best but you don't succeed                 (succeed = takast)
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep                             (Tierd = Þreytt)
Stuck in reverse                        (Reverse = í bakkgír/kemst ekki áfram)
When the tears come streaming down your face (Streaming down = leka niður)
'Cause you lose something you can't replace                (replace = skipta út)
When you love someone but it goes to waste
What could it be worse?                                          (worse = verra)
Lights will guide you home                               (guied= leiðbeina)
And ignite your bones                         (Ignite = sameina/púsla saman)
And I will try to fix you                                   (fix you = laga þig)
But high up above or down below                          (above = fyrir ofan)
When you are too in love to let it show
Oh but if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth                                       (worth = virði)
Lights will guide you home                                               
And ignite your bones                                      (bones = bein)
And I will try to fix you
Tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace         ( replace = skipta út)
oh and tears come streaming down your face          ( tears = tár)
And I
Tears streaming down your face                      ( streaming = renna niður)
I promise you I will learn from all my mistakes            ( promise = lofa/loforð)
oh and the tears streaming down your face
And I
Lights will guide you home ( þetta þýðir að ljósið muni leiða þig heim)
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you


This time I decided to Listen to a song and translate words that are important to me. I chose this task because I like this song and wanted to translate the words. I learned the meaning behind the lyrics and find it funny how stuck in reverse translates to icelandic fastur í bakkgír. 
Optional Assignment 3 – Write a story
For this optional assignment, I decided to write a story about the young pufflings that come to Heimaeyjar every year from August to September. I have experienced this from when I was a child and now as a mother of three boys.

Heimaey is the largest Puffin habit in Iceland, where each puffin pair has the same hole every year and come to Heimaey to nest and raise their pufflings.
At the beginning of August when darker nights come back after those long summer days, the young pufflings are old enough (4-6 weeks old) to be left alone and take care of themselves. The parents will fly away and after a few days, the pufflings will get hungry and see the lights from Vestmannaeyjabæ and fly towards the brightest lights. Then the pufflings will land on the streets and they don't really know how to fly again so they are helpless and hungry on the street, in danger of cats, cars and other bigger seabirds. 
The children in Vestmannaeyjar and their parents will go out late at night maybe around 22:00 and go for two to three hours or begin after midnight and go for two hours, in that case, the children have already gone to sleep and we are waking them up specially to go out to save the pufflings. We have a few boxes with us in the car and drive around the harbour and all through the town. The children will be looking out the windows on the side and have a flashlight with them to spot the pufflings. When we do see one we stop the car and the chasing will begin, sometimes it is easy but sometimes they go under some cargo or fish tub and then you have to use something to get it out of thair. When you take it into your hands the puffling will most likely try to bite you as you walk towards your car and the boxes, where you put it in. 
Each night you are likely to find 4-10 pufflings that will stay with you for one night in the garage. Next day we weigh each puffling and file it to lundi.is to keep track of how many are captured and how well they are doing. This year 7430 pufflings have been saved, but only 3936 have been weighed, the average puffling weighs 284 gr. Later that day they are brought to the ocean and released to freedom.

www.lundi.is Pysjueftirlitið. 2020. Fékk tölulegar upplýsingar um fjölda pysja sem fundist hafa á þessu ári og meðalþyngd þeirra.

I choose this topic because puffling rescue has been all I and my family have been doing together the last month. I have often been asked by tourists how this puffling rescue is done and I really wanted to practice the words I would choose for explaining that in writing. This has been good practice for me and I can use the text to rehearse. 

I learnt new words like fish tub - fiskikar and Cargo – gámar.
Lamb to the slaughter 
1.    Find out and explain the meaning of the phrase: lamb to the slaughter (6)

If someone does something or goes somewhere like a lamb to the slaughter, they do it without knowing that something bad is going to happen and thereforeactcalmly and without fighting against the situation

2.    Setting:
a)    Describe the setting i.e. the time and place where the story takes place.

There is no exact location or time frame given, but we can infer from the story's publication date—1953—and the presence of an in-home freezer, uncommon until the 1940s, that it probably takes place around the year of its publication

b)    Find five words or expression that describe the atmosphere at the beginning of the story and translate them into Icelandic. (10)
Word from the story
What kinds of irony can be found in 
changes quite dramatically 
unhappy, suspenseful, depressing, darkly humorous mood.
What is Mary's conflict in
Everything is peaceful, relaxed, and calm
Hvers konar kaldhæðni er að finna í
Breytir atburðarrásinni
óhamingjusamur,spennandi, niðurdrepandi, Svartur húmor.
Hverju er Mary flækt í
Allt er friðsælt, afslappað og rólegt
c)    How does the atmosphere change from the beginning, until Mr Maloney was dead? Give examples. (6)

Readers can infer that Patrick tells Mary something ( we will never know what that was). Patrick appears to be irritated throughout the entire story despite Mary's attempts to cater to his every need. Patrick tells Mary to "sit down." Then, after he has told her the news he has been agonizing to tell her, he tells her there really is no need to make a big fuss about it, because it would be bad for his reputation as a respected detective. Dahl writes that Mary sits very still in horror as Patrick goes "further and further away from her with each word. And Mary’s mood changes and she couldn't feel anything at all- except a slight nausea and a desire to vomit. She killed Mr Maloney with her cold blood.