A new book

by Eygló Ibsen

Pages 2 and 3 of 41

My optional assignment

Portfolio- assignment SKÝRSLA
I'm going to pick an article from a news site in the United States.
I was going to read the article and take a video when I read and had done that ,but my computer did not want to upload it, I'm just going to write a little bit of this article and tell you about new words I learned from reading it, there is talk

in this article that there has been an infection in a hospital in hays and 6 employees need to be infected with the virus,

words I learned in this article
precautions- varúðaráðstafanir
ensure- tryggja
announced - tilkynnt



Portfolio- assignment SKÝRSLA
I'm going to pick an article from a news site in the United States.
I was going to read the article and take a video when I read and had done that ,but my computer did not want to upload it, I'm just going to write a little bit of this article and tell you about new words I learned from reading it, there is talk

in this article that there has been an infection in a hospital in hays and 6 employees need to be infected with the virus,

words I learned in this article
precautions- varúðaráðstafanir
ensure- tryggja
announced - tilkynnt
