Portfolio 2020

by Karen Eva

Pages 2 and 3 of 49

Optional Assignment 1
For this optional Assignment, I chose to listen to a song and explain the message of the lyrics.  
I chose the song - Can’t help falling in love by Elvis Presley. 
This song is very special to me, my daughter always falls asleep when I sing it to her. 

I think the message of the lyrics of the song or lullaby really, is about falling in love rather fast and wanting to be with that person for eternity if possible. Some people rush into love too quickly and it can turn out to be the wrong decision. But in this song, it’s about how sometimes you can’t help rushing it, because that person is completely worth it.  

What I learned was to understand the lyrics behind the song, to really listen for it. Sometimes you have to read between the lines when it comes to lyrics. 

Optional Assignment 2
Roses are red
Violets are blue
My heart is in flames
When I am with you
It’s tacky I know
How else can I show
My feelings for you
Has a love story come true?

For this optional assignment, I decided to write a poem.
I chose this task because it’s my first attempt to write a poem, 
I’ve always wanted to be able to write one.
I love the roses are red poems so I started with that and thought of some rhymes to go with it and I just started writing.
I learned that rhymes are fun and poetry isn’t as hard as I thought it would be.