A new book

by Ty-Shawn Thompson

Pages 2 and 3 of 8

Hey, my name is Tyshawn Thompson and I am a 15 year old producer. I live in and was born and raised in Denver Colorado. I started when I was in middle school on garage band and other apps that were similar to it. it started when one of my friends showed me a beat he was working on. It was his first one and we were looking through some sounds that could go with the beat. I had fun making the beat and then I had gotten garage band on my laptop and I started working on my own beats. now I am taking a class for it and it is one of the best experiences I have had at north high school.
Artist Statement
This album is all about finding my sound, a sound that is perfect for me. I put three songs that are very different from each other together and I am trying to find one that matches me most. My genre is hip hop and I was inspired to do hip hop because I saw many different artists doing their own thing and introducing themselves through the genre and kind of making it there own and thought to myself I want to find my sound as a way of introducing myself to the hip hop community. My targeted audience would most likely be from 13 to 19 I feel like people in that age group can relate to my music more.