A new book

by Irving Saldana-Carrillo

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

Hi my name is Irving and i have been doing audio production for a year and a half already and i have been listening to music for my whole life,i love music and there are so many artists out there that are so talented and that have inspired me in general,i have been working on an album and it is called emotions because it just feels and sounds like emotions.
My music contains so many different instruments and i find it cool that there are so many different combinations and mixtures of sound that you can just put together and make it sound really cool and good.I think this music could be for people who are mostly at a young age like a teenager because my beats are mostly instrumental with a few kicks and drums and that is what most of my album is.
This was a beat i made a while back where i was in sound trap just vibin to some of the instruments that were in there and i decided to just make a random vibe song and this is where vibin came out from.

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