A new book

by Josue Montalvo

Pages 2 and 3 of 3

Denver Song
me and my partners at the time thought it wasnt a bad idead to make it and since we were partners we had to work together too work on a song together and see how it came you and i feel it came out pretty well not to bad an got to meet new people at the end of the day so it was a give and take relationship.

Project #6: FX Processors
How this song cae to play is i went to my auncles house and he has a little lobby in his house and i really liked the music it had like a typa jazzy sound so at the time i didnt know what type of music t make ad i thought of it and i choose jazz music as a song .
How i feel about this song is kinda good because i used one of my favortite artist song and i got to make improvements and my thoughts on what i think of the song

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