When You Have Too Much Time On Your Hands

by Keith McInnis

Pages 4 and 5 of 7

She Got My Attention
This is the first project I worked on by myself. I didn't know if I wanted to rap over it or not but eventually, I did.
I started with my 808 this time. Once I finished that I put some pianos and drums to complete the beat.
Eventually, came the hardest part of the project, writing lyrics. But I had writer's block sooo I kinda sorta took lyrics from a song I wrote for my girlfriend and used it as a hook.
I realized that the piano wasn't sounding right. I put so many effects on it to no aveil. So I changed the instrument entirely to steel pans. That's when I really started rocking with my song.
In Soundtrap, there are lots of audio loops and I was playing around in Soundtrap and I found a piano loop that I really liked.
There were also some drums and kicks that went along with the piano. I added an 808 because all good hip hop songs have an 808.
Later on, I made some DIY ghost sounds and lines from my scary/Halloween movies to give it that Halloween vibe. Lastly, I added some effects on the pianos to give them a more eerie vibe to make it really spooky, hence the name.

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