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Christmas Coding Fun

by James Abela (@eslweb)

Pages 10 and 11 of 12

Secret Santa
Santa is having a bad time at the moment, so we need to help him out. 
Can you create a secret Santa present system for him. The idea is that everyone buys 1 present, you get told who you are buying for but NOT who bought for you and you need to make sure everyone who enters their name is included. (See more details about Secret Santa)

Super Hard Challenge: Create a CSV file to track all your Secret Santas
Greetings for everyone!
You have 100 relatives and everyone expects a personal greetings card. Thankfully this year digital is ok. Can you use Lists to create a personalised set of greetings?
Super Hard Challenge: Create a CSV file you put in a spreadsheet to mailmerge your greetings

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