Isabel's Graphic Novel

by ESL Class


My experience in United States.
“Not All Life Is Happiness...”
Bye dad...
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BY: Isabel
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My mom and dad separated and I lived with my dad for 5 years.
He is my best friend forever, he always stayed for me and I never needed my mom because my dad was my mother figure and my father figure.
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Why they fight every time?.
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I still remember when my parents fought, I had nightmares at that time..
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ok. :3
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Well... my father is a taxi driver, he had me in the car all day.
Can we play some games?
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Ok dad.
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Sometimes we played whatever I wanted or sometimes we worked as a blacksmith.
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Let’s go to work.
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The whole time I was working with my dad in the taxi, always when the school ended I was with my dad.
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He taught me how to drive just by watching my dad move his hands.
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We lived in a small house but we doesn’t care about that.
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Since I was little I always liked to see the trees while my father works as a blacksmith.
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