
by Taiki, Morice, Shamayim, Micah



Leatherback Sea Turtle
Taiki, Morice, Shamayim, Micah
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Mama's nest .....................................................................3
Chapter 2: Hatching (Morice/Shamayim)...........................................6
Chapter 3: Run to the Sea!!! (Micah)...................................................8
Chapter 4: Venturing Out to Sea (Morice).......................................12
Chapter 5: Yummy Food! Chomp! Chomp! (Micah/ Taiki)...............17
Chapter 6: Near Death Experience!!!! (Taiki)....................................19
Chapter 7: Solutions! (Micah, Morice, Taiki, Shamayim)................21
Chapter 8: Finding a partner (Micah)...............................................22
Chapter 9: Back to the Beach (Taiki)................................................25
Chapter 1: Mama's nest (Shamayim)
The mom digs a nest and then lays 100 eggs in it. She buries them in sand and she returns to the ocean.(3)
40 or 50 years ago, soldiers saw these tracks and thought that an enemy tank had emerged from the sea, a new amphibious secret weapon. Later they saw the ''secret weapon''; it was a mama turtle! (8)
The mom makes her new nest on the beach were she was born. (6) She makes the nest somewhere dark and quiet, and not too far from the ocean.(7)
Chapter 2: Hatching (Morice/Shamayim)
I will hatch when I think it is night. If my egg is warm when hatching I will be a girl, if my egg is cold then I will be a boy.(2)