my animal book of records

by Alberto Salvador Sánchez Fernández


The frog called paedophrine amauensis is the smallest VERTEBRATE in the world.
That frog is smaller than a coin.
The African elephant is the heaviest LAND animal.
It can weigh over 12 tons and it's heavier than the rhinoceros.
The blue whale is the biggest animal on Earth and it's also the heaviest, but it is not a land animal.
It's bigger than the colosal squid and it weighs over 190 tons.
The dung beetle is the strongest animal in relation to its body weight and it is smaller than your hand.
It is stronger than the rhinoceros beetle.
Cats are better pets than lions.
But I think that dogs are the best pet.
The koala is the laziest animal on Earth.
it is lazier than the sloth.