Libro nuevo

by Sofía Rivera Cuervo


By Sofía Rivera Cuervo
The red kangaroo is the biggest marsupial in the world.
The fennec is the smallest fox in the world.
The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world.
The green anaconda is the heaviest snake in the world.
The spurred goose is the fastest water bird in the world.
The macaroni penguin is the most common penguin.
The tortoise is the longest living land animal in the world.
The Australian dragonfly is the fastest flying insect in the world.
The tibetan antelope has the thinnest hair strand in the world.
The red kangaroo is the biggest marsupial in the world.
The fennec is the smallest fox in the world.
The green anaconda is the heaviest snake in the world.
The spurred goose is the fastest water bird in the world.
The macaroni penguin is the most common penguin.
The tortoise is the longest living land animal in the world.
The Australian dragonfly is the fastest flying insect in the world.
The tibetan antelope has the thinnest hair strand in the world.
Gila monster is the most poisonous one in the world.
The cow is bigger than the sheep.
The cheetah is faster than the rabbit.
The giraffe is taller than the zebra.
The hipopotamus is fatter than the flamingo.
The parrot is more colorful than the pigeon.
The ant is smaller than the bat.
The tortoise is slower than the hare.
The lion is shorter than the zebra.
The flamingo is slimmer than the elephant.
The kangoroo lives longer than the bee.
Thanks for seeing 🤗