The Stonehenge by Alejandro

by Alejandro Lamelas Pérez


The Stonehenge by Alejandro
It was declared World Heritage by the Unesco in the year 1986.
When It was made?
The Stonehenge was made between the years 3100 b.C and the 2000 b.C ago by the prehistoric people, but the people in the year 1915 reformed It because It was almost destroyed because people didn't take care of It.
Speech Bubble
The Stonehenge was made between the years 3100 b.C and the 2000 b.C ago by the prehistoric people, but the people in the year 1915 reformed It because It was almost destroyed because people didn't take care of It.
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What was its use?
Where was it built?
There are four scientific theories about the use of the Stonehenge:
-That It could be a funerary monument.
-A sanatorium.
-A space observatory.
-Or an exercise of unification.
Where was it built?
It was built at the end of the neolithic and in the beginning of the Metal Age in Salisbury, in the UK.
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How big is It?
The stonehenge is a circle that has an area of 30 meters but there are clues that say that it could measure several kilometers.
What was it made of?