Environmental Conservation

by Mr. Alexander's Class


Environmental Conservation
Sheldon Academy of Innovative Learning
Authors: Valeria, Lesly, Sandra, Britany, Pricila, Diana, Ruby, Cecilia
Table of Contents
What is Environmental Conservation?.............................................................1
What are the 3 different types of Environmental Conservation?.................2
Wildlife Conservation.........................................................................................3
Marine Conservation..........................................................................................4
What You Can Do to Help Conserve Nature....................................................5
History Of The Environmental Conservation.................................................6-7
Who is taking act in Environmental Conservation?.......................................8-9
Pros on Environmental Conservation..............................................................10
Cons on Environmental Conservation.............................................................11
Authors: Sandra, Lesly, Britany, Ceci, Valeria, Diana, and Pricila
Sheldon Academy of Innovating Learning
Environmental Conservation
What Is Environmental Conservation?
Have you ever heard the word "Environmental Conservation"? Maybe you have, but do you know what it means and how it helps the Earth? Environmental conservation is the practice of us humans trying to save nature and protect it. This planet is filled with resources some are renewable and some aren't. Environmental Conservation is the protection, preservation, management, or restoration of natural environments and also the ecological communities that inhabit them. Conservation refers to the responsible management of the environment and its resources for present and future use. Conservation works in 2 ways, It is meant to protect nature by protecting vital resources, and it is also a way of living that works against the irresponsible practices of businesses.
As you may know, humans have destroyed this planet so they are now helping the Earth so that it can become healthy again, that is what Environmental Conservation is. Environmental Conversation is important because it is needed to protect wildlife and promote biodiversity. It is also needed to help keep a healthy and functional ecosystem.
What are the 3 types of environmental conservation?

Environmental Conservation. Environmental conservation refers to the environment being used sustainably, Wildlife Conservation, Marine Conservation, and humans Conservation.
Wildlife conservation is the act of protecting ecosystems and environments to protect the animals that live there. Animal conservation is an international campaign, spanning thousands of projects and doubles the number of people, working tirelessly to protect our planet. Marine conservation is the protection of marine species and ecosystems in oceans and seas worldwide. It involves restoration of species, populations, and habitats and also mitigating human activities such as overfishing. Human Conservation is the care and protection of these resources so that they can persist for future generations.
Trees convert carbon dioxide produced by factories into oxygen, which helps us breathe and respire. The trees that help us to breathe also isolate greenhouse gasses that would cause the Earth to heat up more quickly. They hold soil in place and naturally filter water that has been absorbed into the ground. Wherever trees are established, wildlife and other plants are sure to follow, ensuring a healthier ecosystem. Trees provide shelter and food for a variety of birds and small animals.
Wildlife Conservation
Animal conservation is protecting environments and ecosystems for animals that live there. People who work in Animals Conservation make about $29.48 hourly in 2018 a median conservation worker made $61,310. They make a lot of money than higher jobs. It is important to talk about animals conservation because many people just go out and fish like nothing collecting so many fish a day which is fine but they are taking away other animals habitat and also they are taking them for there natural life. Also climate change has a lot to do with effecting animals natural ecosystems. For example, the animals that live in the ice are getting effected by the climate change parts of ice are melting and they can live in cooler weather. Endangered species has been a problem for quite some time now but it gets worst and worst the number are going up and they keep on disappearing .